August 1, 2018

The Broadcasting Industry’s Role in Pennsylvania

By: Carter Wyckoff

We are thrilled to share with you the first ever Pennsylvania Broadcasters Economic Impact Study!  We have been working with the talented team at ParkerPhillips, who spent a great deal of time meeting with our member stations to properly understand and measure our collective community impact.  The data analysis presented in this report is evidence that the broadcasting industry is a significant driver to the Pennsylvania economy, as well as a critical connection between Pennsylvanians and local charities, communities, cultural experiences and more.


This report was made possible through the work of member stations in over 15 different markets throughout the Commonwealth.  We are extremely grateful for their time and effort in helping us to paint a comprehensive picture of the broadcasting industry in Pennsylvania.  We hope you enjoy reading the report.

You can view the full report here:  Enhancing Communities Delivering Trust Generating Impact -PAB 2018 Report


Here are some top line highlights: